Saturday 22 June 2019

Medical Technology

Technology is used everyplace, but it will be a matter of life and death in the medical professions. Technology has virtually saved countless lives. Medical technology is just the utilization of our data to create objects to safeguard living organisms from sickness or death.

Medical Technology for Diagnosis

Diagnosis is the method of distinguishing what's wrong with somebody. medical diagnosis technology starts with easy things: stethoscopes to listen to someone's heart, hypodermic needles to require blood samples for analysis, and blood pressure cuffs. however they get far more complicated.

An mri scanner, for instance, creates pictures of the tissues inside your body - even the brain! we do this to see for organ abnormalities, to look for cancerous tissue, to identify torn ligaments, and plenty of other uses. It works by surrounding someone with a large magnet. This aligns the magnetic particles in a person's body.

Heart monitors keep track of an individual's heartbeat. you would possibly have heard them beeping dramatically on medical shows. we can also look into the way a person's heart is working using an ekg (or electrocardiogram) machine, that sends electrical pulses through a human body to check the heart's electrical (nerve) activity. Doctors would possibly use one to work out if they suspect a heart attack in a patient, or to see the effect of heart medication.


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